Team Mala

We're fundraising for Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Mala, a determined, kind-hearted, social 16-year-old from Bellingen, NSW, is gearing up for the Krazy Kosci Klimb by cycling. She loves nothing more than feeling the wind in her hair outdoors and loves the pool for chill time. She’s also fuelling her fitness with healthy nutrition, luckily her favourite food is salad. Mala uses a high-tech AAC device to communicate and is passionate about mentoring other AAC users.  

Mala is currently focused on completing her HSCs, but she makes time for her favourite hobbies - playing Minecraft, watching YouTube videos about it, and solving the complicated task of Rubik’s Cubes. One of her wishes is to also solve the problems of the world too. “You Are My Sunshine” always lifts her spirits and a ray of sunshine is just how her loved ones describe her. Her friends are incredibly important to her, and if she could spend a day doing anything, it would be with them.  

Participating in the Krazy Kosci Klimb is more than just a challenge for Mala; it’s an opportunity to show her independence. With her family and support team beside her, she’s excited to reach the summit and prove that no mountain is too high when you’ve got the right mindset—and a great team of people who mean so much by your side. 

Thank you to our Sponsors



Have a great day up the mountain



Hope you have been training hard Mala. I hope to see a picture of you and the rest of the team



Go you good thing. Don’t let anything get in your way Mala.


Toyota Chatswood & Ryde




Marvin Masson It Consulting

Mala - I hope you have fun climbing Australia's highest mountain!




James T

What a great adventure!


Liz Atkins

Go team Mala!


Jojo Colmer

Proud of you special one. Look Forward to see some pictures.


Lynn Patterson

So impressed with all the good works you do MALA



Reach for the sky Mala Go Team!



Proud of you Mala, wish I could walk up there with you!



Looking forward to your big mountain climbing adventure!!


Toyota Chatswood & Ryde


Jennifer Colmer

Have a blast and take care 💕


Mick Colmer

So proud of your drive and enthusiasm , mala. Most importantly I’m sending the love for a safe and fun adventure


Margie Coote

So very proud of you Mala! Stay strong and keep smiling xxxx


Robyn Hawkshaw

Wishing you a great experience and have fun! What a terrific challenge for you. Go team Mala


Brodo & Deb

Go & enjoy the alps Mala. I’m sure your courage & determination & support team will drive you to the highest point on this wonderful landmass


Francine Trenerry


Ange & Bengt

Good luck 🤞🏼



Go Mala. What an incredible adventure you'll have.


Michelle Heidi Geordie

Loved the video reaching the top. Congratulations, what a feat!





Go Team Mala


Donovan Craig

Good luck Mala!


Row And Rod


Ms Hughes

Loving the opportunity to support this amazing young woman. Go Mala!



Have fun!!


Tim & Justine Elder

Go Team Mala!!!


Steven Colmer

Good luck Mala Moo and Uncle clayt! Have fun!!


Annette H


Berenice Devlin

Good on you. Go you good thing!


Fiona Mccullough

Amazing Team Mala. What an adventure! Well done 👏


Menzies Oast

Go Mala, wouldnt be a Colmer trek without some wind, rain and poncho’s 👍👍




Sona Zaitounian


Toyota Chatswood & Ryde


Sally &brad Poidevin

Go Mala!! ❤️






Enjoy the view along the way! Go team!👏🏼


Rich Harrison

Go Mala! Like father like daughter. Quality.


Lee And Mushy

What an amazing adventure! Hope you have a wonderful time. Go Mala!


Stephan Borg

Love your work!


Di Davies

Go Mala!!


Corky And Kaz

Good on ya Mala! Hope you have an amazing adventure. Keep smiling ❣️


Max Murano

Of course you’re climbing Kosci! Can’t wait to see the pics of you at the top.


Sue Rogers

Go Team. Enjoy your training, your challenge and your friendships made along the way.


Al Colyer

Good luck mate! love your work.


Van O

Go Mala.


Renaye Cole

Go Marvellous Mala and your awesome support team!


Upsidedown Fitness

You are an inspiration and a true example of awesomeness Mala.


Rebecca Roche

Super effort


Olivia Bernardini

Well done everyone! Big love




Toyota Chatswood & Ryde


Angela Van Den Berg

Love an adventure!


Mel Martin

Go Mala you gorgeous thang! Well done support crew 💫🤍


Michelle Nelson

What an adventure! So proud of you Mala xx



Mala, you always inspire me! All the best for this amazing challenge ❤️


Iris Goldstein

Enjoy the journey looking forward to seeing some photos



Go legends!!


Jemma Balczun

Enjoy the adventure and the view Mala!


Toyota Chatswood & Ryde


Pam Cork

Go Mala.


Bri Colmer

Good luck! Can’t wait to hear about it and see some photos!


Tim Scanlon

Go Mala!



What a remarkable young woman and what a supportive Dad! Volunteering for a great cause and challenging yourselves to accomplish something momentous. What precious memories you will make. Al the best Megan


The Penn Foundation Dollar Match






Niki Colmer

Have fun going up that big hill.. i bet the views will be spectacular Mala Moo ox love you.. your such a trooper and inspiration to others.. never give up! oxo Aunti Nik


Sascha Crozier


Mary Paehlig

Great work Claudia! Go Team Annabelle!!


Victoria Wu


Alison Slinn

Good luck with your climb, courage and determination will take you most of way, chocolate will do the rest. I sponsored you instead of your dad as he is crew not the real star 😉. From Alison one of your dads housemates from England.


Peter Gulliver

Awesome Mala, have a great climb!


Tim Fry


Sarah Barcala

Go Marla!


Riley Jacka


Rowena Rich


Fiona Cathor




Hannah Slowey